Unlock Deep, Transformational & Spontaneous Healing with
Quantum Vortex Energy®
Whether you are a spiritual seeker looking to go deeper in your adhyatmikta or
someone who is looking for some form of healing and shift in life,
Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave-Photon Pulse™ or Quantum Vortex Energy® in short, is for one and all.
What is Quantum Vortex Energy®?
The Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave-Photon Pulse is THE Mother of All Energies, Frequencies and Vibrations; the Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent *Signature of the Shunya Bindu. It is formless form, soundless sound, and faster than the speed of light, however, can be tangibly felt as subtle pulsing, spiraling, vortexes and waves.
The Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave-Photon Pulse is a true Gift of Grace from the ABSOLUTE, which was graciously revealed and made available to humanity at the end of 2011 by KaVeeTa SuNiEL who are now known as Sreemaa-Shreeji. This is truly a cutting-edge 22nd century healing which is difficult to comprehend via the mind and is best experienced.
The USP of Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave-Photon Pulse is that it is universal, as our beloved Sreemaa-Shreeji lovingly says “from our Hearts to yours, from our Energy Fields to yours.”
*Shunya Bindu is a Sanskrit non-translatable.
Sounds super interesting! But I am not sure I get what you are trying to say.
As Practitioners of Quantum Vortex Energy® since the last decade, we can confidently say that it is very difficult to fathom the potential and compassion of Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave-Photon Pulse with our limited human mind and intellect. It is almost next to impossible to understand this Mysterious and Magnificent Signature of the Shunya Bindu.
Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave-Photon Pulse is infinite, from the minute at the atomic level to the entire Cosmos, from the micro to the macro. The Wave, the Vortex, the Photon Pulse are throughout the Cosmos on the smallest scale and the biggest, the fire in suns and stars, galaxies as vortices. Can you begin to imagine the scale?
When a child is born, it experiences mother nature for what it is; we heartfully invite you to be in that same childlike wonder and soak in the experience of the Ultimate Love of the Mother of all Energies, Frequencies and Vibrations instead of trying to grasp IT from the limited lens of the mind. We are grateful to Sreemaa-Shreeji for gifting this Magnificent Signature and for keeping the vision and wisdom of letting people have a tangible experience in the immersion. Your experience will speak volumes as it is unique for each person every time.
So, what happens when I am immersed in a transmission of Quantum Vortex Energy®?
It is a one-of-a-kind experience where the Signature of Shunya Bindu tunes in with your True Self and healing is a natural by-product of the Fusion that occurs; fusion of the True Self and the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave-Photon Pulse. IT does energetic alignments and corrections, and the recipient experiences an upliftment on all levels of physical, emotional and spiritual aspects and on all dimensions and timelines that their energetic signature exists in. There is nothing this phenomenal on this planet, where you are initiated with the Zero-Point within you when the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave-Photon Pulse aligns you to your True Self.
Wow, that does sound phenomenal and out of this world but what method do you use and how do you share a session?
This is the one and only cutting-edge sharing where there is no need for any affirmations, intentions, channeling, chanting or invoking. The QVSWPP Practitioner shares the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave-Photon Pulse by completely stepping back, hence the healer’s ego and doership are kept in check. In a state of self-awareness that they are non-doers, the Quantum Vortex Energy tunes in with the Zero-Point within the Practitioner and the recipient simultaneously. Sharing and receiving happens at the same time.
The Practitioner remains in a self aware state that they are not doing the healing and hence don’t intend about what the recipient should receive. The Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave-Photon Pulse is All-Knowing that does not require any kind of human interference. This ensures there is no energetic contamination, and the recipient has an undiluted experience through their sentient jivatma (incarnational self) and awaken to their Atma (True Self) via the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave-Photon Pulse and as a by-product receives exactly the corrections, alignments and upliftment that is needed in that moment. We heartfully welcome you to receive a session of Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave-Photon Pulse to see for yourself.
The USP of Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave-Photon Pulse is that it is universal, as our beloved Sreemaa-Shreeji lovingly says “from our Hearts to yours, from our Energy Fields to yours.”